Membership Dues

NALHFA membership consists of three primary categories. For more information on each category and its dues structure, see below or contact [email protected] today.

Regular Members

NALHFA Regular Members are any government housing finance agency in the United States committed to providing affordable housing to low income individuals and families. They are are voting members of the association and must appoint a person to represent and act on its behalf.

Population Price
Under 100,000 $1,075 
100,001 - 250,000  $1,320
250,001 - 500,000 $1,625
500,001 - 750,000 $1,880
750,001 - 1,000,000 $2,070
1,000,000 - 2,000,000 $2,420
2,000,000 - 4,000,000 $2,710
4,000,000 and up $3,745
Sustaining Member $3,940


Affiliate Members

NALHFA Affiliate Members include those individuals or companies that support local housing agencies in the United States through their products and services such as investment bankers, law firms, lenders, mortgage brokers, developers, financial advisers, consultants, and more. They are non-voting members of the Association and are eligible for membership provided it appoints a person to represent and act on its behalf.

Type Price
Less than Five Employees $1000
Accountants $1,130
Consultants - Local $1,130
Consultants - National $2,270
Credit Enhancers $2,270
Equity Participants - Regional $4,375
Equity Participants - National $9,990
Developers $2,270
Financial Advisers $4,375
Information Technology $1,130
Investment Bankers - Regional $4,375
Investment Bankers - National $9,990
Law Firms (Housing and Bond Counsel) $2,750
Lenders $2,270
Mortgage Insurers $4,375
Mortgage Bankers $4,375
Rating Agencies $4,375
Syndicators - Local $1,055
Synidcators - Regional/National $4,375
Trustees $2,060
Underwriters - Local $1,130
Underwriters - Regional $4,375
Underwriters - National $9,990
GIC Provider $1,880


Non-Profit Members

NALHFA Non-Profit Members are any person or educational institution in the United States engaged in housing finance activities. They are non-voting members of the association.

Type Price
Non-Profit Membership $695