Our Committees

In partnership with NALHFA’s Board of Directors, our diverse committees help drive the organization and develop its policies. Each committee provides important recommendations for consideration in an effort to help advance our mission and vision. Learn more about each committee below.

Awards Committee

NALHFA’s Awards Committee meets to establish the categories, process, and criteria to recognize outstanding efforts of its member agencies and non-profit organizations through its Awards program. Held in conjunction with NALHFA’s Annual Conference, these awards draw submissions from across the United States and in all categories of affordable housing development – single family, multifamily redevelopment, mixed-use, senior housing and many others. The awards committee reviews and vets all award submissions and selects the annual recipients. Through the Awards program, NALHFA strives to highlight achievements in local housing finance and encourage other agencies to look for new and innovative ways of meeting their affordable housing goals.

NALHFA MembersConference Planning Committee

NALHFA’s Conference Planning Committee helps identify, topics, speakers, events and sponsors for annual conference.

Legislative Committee

NALHFA’s Legislative Committee sets policy positions for the local housing finance industry and directs advocacy activity on industry issues. The Committee provides input on the NALHFA National Policy Agenda, and sets the legislative priorities of the association each year. The Committee assesses critical issues as they arise and provides critical feedback to NALHFA’s government relations team to present a consensus opinion on Capitol Hill and to Federal Agencies.

Membership Services Committee

The purpose of the NALHFA Membership Services Committee is to develop and implement the strategic direction to recruit, retain and engage members. The committee will identify prospective members and will directly participate in recruitment efforts. The committee will also serve as a forum to identify and implement additional programs and services designed to support and meet the needs of the membership.

Nominating Committee

NALHFA’s Nominating Committee meets to identify and set the criteria for candidates to serve on the Board of Directors. The proposed slate of officers and directors are approved by the NALHFA membership during its annual conference. The NALHFA President, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, shall appoint a nominating committee of at least three (3) persons, all of whom shall be regular members of the Association, two (2) of whom may not be officers, to nominate candidates for the Board of Directors. This committee shall select a slate of directors and officers representative of the membership.

If you are interested in serving on any of the above NALHFA committees, please email NALHFA at info@nalhfa.org.