NALHFA has released its National Policy Agenda for 2025. The purpose of this document is to serve as a guide for NALHFA members, industry partners, Federal Agencies, and Congressional offices regarding NALHFA’s position on a variety of housing policy issues. This is an evolving document, and will be updated throughout the year to accommodate for the changing political needs of local HFAs.
The 2025 NALHFA National Policy Agenda addresses 14 policy areas:
- Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program
- Private Activity Bonds & Municipal Bonds
- Local HFA Down Payment Assistance Programs
- Risk Sharing Program
- HOME Investment Partnerships and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
- Housing Supply Federal Assistance
- Housing Choice Vouchers
- Project-Based Rental Assistance
- BABA Impacts on Future Housing
- Green Housing and Disaster Recovery Assistance
- Affordable Broadband Access
- Historically Disadvantaged Community Assistance
- Housing Finance Reform and Duty to Serve
- Amending and Advancing Tax Incentives for Affordable Housing