Wednesday, May 3 | |
1:00pm - 5:00pm |
Pre-Conference Registration |
11:00am - 3:00pm |
NALHFA Board of Directors Meeting (by invite only) |
3:00pm - 4:00pm |
Legislative Committee Meeting (open to all members) |
4:00pm - 5:00pm |
Affiliate Council Meeting (open to all Affiliate members) This forum is a chance for affiliate members to ask questions and share feedback with NALHFA’s Board of Directors and an opportunity to underscore the partnerships that take place between housing finance agencies and affiliates at the national and local level. |
6:00pm |
Dinner with Sponsors (by invitation from sponsors) |
Thursday, May 4 | |
7:30am - 3:30pm |
Registration |
7:30am - 8:30am |
Networking Breakfast Come join your fellow conference attendees for a time to connect and network with housing finance professionals from all over the country. This is a great opportunity to have casual conversations, interact with conference sponsors, and share success stories and best practices. |
8:30am - 9:15 am
Welcome & Opening General Session
Representatives from the Tampa Bay Region will welcome conference attendees and highlight some of the innovative programs and funding sources for affordable and work force housing. Keynote Speakers:
9:15am - 9:45am |
General Session: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Regulatory Update This session will feature remarks from Deputy Assistant Secretary Sarah Edelman of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Attendees are encouraged to come join the discussion about the latest updates and insights on crucial housing programs local housing finance agencies administer in the single family sector. This is an incredible opportunity to gain insight on HUD’s affordable housing initiatives and engage in a conversation about challenges and opportunities facing both HUD and local HFAs. Speaker:
9:45am - 10:30am |
Networking Coffee Break at an Exclusive Barista Station Conference attendees are invited to network at the exclusive barista station sponsored by Stifel. Our skilled baristas are serving up premium coffee and espresso drinks that are guaranteed to delight your taste. The barista station is the perfect place to start and stay energized for the day. |
10:30am - 11:45pm |
Concurrent Sessions |
Policy Track: State & Local Polices and Their Impact on Housing Policies on the state and local level remain an important guiding force behind ensuring affordable housing levels match needs of communities. Everyday residents face impediments ranging from social, economic, and environmental challenges that pose a threat to sustainable housing. Join thought leaders for a panel discussion on policy strategies that manage resources and increase the health of your population. Panelists will further review how state and local assets can be utilized with a holistic approach to achieve a healthy community that results in attracting housing investment for improved infrastructure. |
Single Family Track: Current Single-Family Market Tools and Executions Join housing finance experts for a deep dive into today’s single-family market. By the end of this session, attendees will know what affordable lending programs are currently in the system and what they can bring to the table to help bridge affordability gaps, better understand all things TBAs, receive an insightful multiservicer solution model to be used in this challenging market, and get up to speed on MRB versus TBA, especially with bonds making a comeback. There will be a Q&A period to conclude the session. |
Multifamily Track: Missing Middle Family Housing: Minneapolis at the Confluence of Innovation The Minneapolis Public Housing Authority (MPHA) recently closed the Family Housing Expansion Project. This innovative program included ARPA funds, site-per-site Bond Allocation, a LIHTC allocation by the City of Minneapolis (CPED), and a design utilizing missing-middle buildings to densify Public Housing owned urban infill lots at scale. Attendees of this session will hear from the experts who made it happen and come away with comprehensive knowledge about the unique financing that was structured between the partnership of the City of Minneapolis (CPED), MPHA, US Bank, Citi Bank, Metropolitan Council, and Hennepin County, insights for navigating in the Public Housing Authority Realm while considering strict federal procurement rules and resident engagement, and the next steps they can take to create expanded family housing using this project as a best-practice model within their locality. |
11:45pm - 1:30pm |
Annual Business Meeting and Award Luncheon The NALHFA Award of Excellence is the most prestigious national recognition award in the local affordable housing finance community. The award recognizes the critical work that NALHFA members do in their local communities to provide affordable housing. Out dozens of award nominations, eleven NALHFA members are being recognized for their outstanding, innovative, and sustainable solutions. Join us as we celebrate this year’s award honorees. |
1:30pm - 3:00pm |
General Session Keynote: What is Your “Why” – Positioning DE&I in Housing We all have the ability to learn, change and grow. Who and what pushes you to do so and maximize your purpose? How are you making all of us better? These are questions we need to continue to ask ourselves to create stronger communities through strategic housing solutions. The "Why" is a state of purpose that describes why you do the critical work you do every day and why you live the lifestyle you do. Your calling. Your conviction. Your purpose. It is your mission statement. It should also extend beyond you, to create energy and foster growth and change. What is your "why"? After all, it starts with YOU. When was the last time you challenged your arrival to this concept of why? Let's take this ride together...fast lanes, speed bumps, and all. Join this energizing and uplifting session by Diaz Dixon, Founder & Owner of Purpose Driven Consulting. Diaz is a trusted community leader and speaker who has delivered dozens of keynotes that are thought-provoking around on DE&I and change leadership. Keynote Speaker: Diaz Dixon, Founder & Owner, Purpose Driven Consulting |
3:00pm - 3:15pm |
Transition to Breakout Sessions |
3:15pm - 4:45pm |
Concurrent Sessions |
Policy Track: Advancing Housing Policy in the 118th Congress This session will focus on the outlook for housing policy in the 118th Congress. DC-based housing policy experts will give their perspective on what may or may not be achievable in this divided Congress, discuss upcoming fiscal negotiations, and how the housing industry can work together to advance key NALHFA initiatives. They will also examine the impact of 2022 housing-related legislation and discuss the legislative and regulatory outlook for 2023. Topics will include an overview of the housing provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act, FY 2023 and proposed FY 2024 HUD funding levels, LIHTC legislation, and other HFA priorities. Attendees will have a chance to pose their own questions and discuss advocacy priorities & opportunities for HFAs. |
Single Family Track: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: How Historical Inequity Presents an Opportunity for Building More Equitable Landscape Join social equity housing experts during this panel as they discuss how critical historical moments, such as redlining, have shaped today’s housing scene and formed current programs and tools to address fair housing for all. Panelists will take a deep dive into how professionals in the field can utilize historical data, Down Payment Assistance programs (DPAs), Special Purpose Credit Programs (SPCPs) and more to address how various instrumentalities can unlock secondary market exemptions to create affordable homeownership to support greater BIPOC homeownership and other populations. Attendees will take away critical insights and a comprehensive understanding of what they can do within their current organization to create a more equitable housing landscape. |
Multifamily Track: Calling all Multifamily Issuers: New Structures and Evaluation Tools for Affordable and Workforce Housing As more and more market participants approach multifamily bond issuers with financing structures that go beyond the typical issuance models, issuers need a toolkit for evaluating the key risks and benefits associated with these proposals. Join industry experts as they describe several of the new affordable and workforce housing structures cropping up across the nation, explore the drivers of this trend, and discuss best practices for evaluating new financing structures. |
5:30pm - 8:30pm |
Offsite Networking Event - Sunset Cruise Sail away with NALHFA on a sunset cruise on Thursday, May 4! Enjoy a drink aboard the Yacht StarShip and take in the sights of Tampa while we cruise along the bay. Pre-registration is free and encouraged, but not required, to attend. Cruise schedule and Details:
Friday, May 5 | |
7:00am - 2:00pm |
Registration |
7:00am - 8:00am |
Networking Breakfast Session: Spotlight on Women in Finance Although the proportion of women in the industry has improved steadily over the past few decades, there is still progress to be made. Specifically, in the realm of promotions and leadership roles, the gender gap gradually increases along the leadership pipeline. According to a Deloitte report, women make up about 50% of the financial services industry’s US workforce, yet, they account for just 23% of leadership roles. Come join our discussion of how we can increase participation and create successful pathways for career advancement. Speakers:
8:00am - 9:15 am |
General Session Keynote: Just Action: How to Challenge Segregation Enacted Under the Color of Law Racial segregation characterizes every metropolitan area in the U.S. and bears responsibility for our most serious social and economic problems. We’ve taken no serious steps to desegregate neighborhoods, however, because we are hobbled by a national myth that residential segregation is de facto—the result of private discrimination or personal choices that do not violate constitutional rights. The Color of Law demonstrates, however, that residential segregation was created by racially explicit and unconstitutional government policy. Just Action describes how we can begin to address this, providing dozens of strategies local groups can pursue to redress segregation in their own communities. By starting with achievable local victories, we can build a national movement that can remedy our unconstitutional racial landscape. Keynote Speaker: Leah Rothstein, Best Selling Author |
9:15am - 9:45 am |
Networking Coffee Break at an Exclusive Barista Station Conference attendees are invited to network at the exclusive barista station sponsored by Stifel. Our skilled baristas are serving up premium coffee and espresso drinks that are guaranteed to delight your taste. The barista station is the perfect place to start and stay energized for the day. |
9:45am - 11:00 am |
Concurrent Sessions |
Policy Track: Greening Affordable Housing with the Help of the Inflation Reduction Act With the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in August 2022, Congress set aside tens of billions of dollars to finance clean energy and climate projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions with an emphasis on projects that benefit low-income and disadvantaged communities. Thanks to the IRA, new or newly enhanced sources like the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) and Title 17 Innovative Energy Loan Guarantee Program have the potential to help usher in a green revolution for the affordable housing industry. Panelists will discuss possible uses of IRA-authorized funds for affordable housing as well as current efforts to implement some of these solutions. |
Single Family Track: The Great Homeownership Challenge for HFAs Today: Responding to Soaring Unaffordability First-time homebuyers, and HFAs seeking to help them, are facing an unprecedented challenge today. Limited inventory of existing and new homes, dramatically higher prices than before the pandemic, and today’s interest rates have made it exceptionally difficult to buy starter homes throughout the country. What can HFAs do to respond? The panel will look at approaches for increasing inventory, substantially increasing the amount of downpayment assistance, and other tools for helping homebuyers today. |
11:00am - 11:15am |
Transition to Breakout Sessions |
11:15am - 12:30pm |
Concurrent Sessions |
Policy Track: Life After COVID Federal pandemic programs have provided residents with needed flexibility in mortgage payments since 2020, but localities continue to face challenges in returning to business as usual in the wake of COVID-19. The U.S. Department of the Treasury established the Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) and Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERA) to aid homeowners in avoiding property displacement. With HAF, ERA and other pandemic related federal aid funds sunsetting and not likely to be replaced anytime soon, mortgage and rental collections remain stagnant in many areas across the country which has resulted in payment enforcement delays and the concern delinquency rates will increase for both single and multifamily units. Cities now face uncertainty with homeowners and renters struggling to recover funds lost in the decrease of federal aid leading to property occupation uncertainty. This panel, comprised of HFA leaders in hardship recovery, will discuss benefits and deficits of HAF and ERA related programs. Also provided will be an overview of the way forward for those who have been left with questions on how to secure mortgage and rental payments without federal assistance, tools and resources currently available for aid, and sustainable ideas to replicate best practice uses of HAF and ERA. |
Single Family Track: The Equitable Housing Journey: Where We Are and Where We’re Going Equitable housing is quickly becoming top-of-the-mind in the housing market. Join this session to hear experts from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Stifel report on equitable housing plans, programs and products and give their insights on how diverse social indexes will drive the next generation of homebuyers and housing professionals. Attendees will come away with the comprehensive knowledge they need for their 2023 equitable housing programs and considerations. |
Multifamily Track: New Products in the Multifamily Market - What’s Hot Right Now Get what you need to know for today and tomorrow - join experts in the field as they present the top-of-the-mind hot topics for the housing industry. Speakers will touch on current interest rates and the driving forces in our current environment, alternative solutions, bonds and credit eligibility, loan performance and lending activity, trend forecasting, workforce housing and more. Attendees will take home critical insights that will keep them ahead and ready for movement. |
12:30pm - 1:45pm |
Lunch on Your Own |
2:00pm - 3:30pm | Concurrent Sessions |
Single Family Track: From Tried-and-True to Fresh and New, the Ingredients for an Elevated Operations Recipe It doesn’t take a Julia or Gordon to tell us good recipes call for good staples – you’ve got to master the basics. During this flavorful session, we’ll review the essentials of any successful shop’s operations, and then dig into what opportunities we have in the single-family programs space to “remix the recipe.” What strategic, inventive ingredients are needed to ensure our impact in this lively – and challenging – housing environment? Bring your recipe cards and be ready to share what ingredients you’ve swapped – everyone’s invited to cook in this kitchen. |
Single & Multifamily Track: Managing Resources: Strategies for Stretching Volume Cap for Multi-Family and Single Family Issuance Issuers of every size have been grappling with limited or no volume cap to manage an insatiable demand for affordable housing nationwide. Sophisticated issuers have been developing a suite of tools to stretch volume cap as far as possible. Attendees will learn critical elements of multi and single family recycling, taxable/tax-exempt blends, utilizing convertible option bonds to preserve volume cap, and other techniques to manage a scarce, or even unavailable, resource. |
3:30pm - 4:30pm |
Networking Happy Hour Come grab a drink and join us for Happy Hour! This is another networking opportunity immediately following the conclusion of the final concurrent sessions, |
5:00pm |
Dinner with Sponsors (by invitation from sponsors) |
Saturday, May 6 | |
9:00am - 12:00pm |
Affordable Housing Bus Tour (advanced registration required) All participants will board buses at 8:30 am Eastern. Buses leave promptly at 9:00 am Eastern. NALHFA attendees have an incredible opportunity to tour four amazing developments located in Hillsborough County and downtown Tampa. This is surely to be one of the most talked about events during the conference and you will want to be sure to plan to participate. Please note advance registration is required. Preserve at Sabal Park and Sabal Place Preserve at Sabal Park is a six-building, three-story, new construction development located in the Mango area of Tampa. This durable, garden-style, family housing community features 48 one-bedroom, 72 two bedroom, and 24 three-bedroom units totaling approximately 138,000 square feet. Nestled among natural lakes and wetlands, resident families will enjoy amenities such as a community building, livable-floor plans, playground, pool, and free parking. SabalPlace is an affordable housing development located on the same site as the Preserve. This 4 story housing community consists of 112 units. Seventy percent are designated specifically for those transitioning from Homelessness. A prominent local non-profit, Metropolitan Ministries, is a partner and provides services to the residents. Metro 510 is a unique community combining the rehabilitation of the historic St. Paul A.M.E. Church and the new construction of 120 workforce housing apartment homes in downtown Tampa. The development features four floors of residential above two floors of parking, an outdoor spray park, community garden, movie theatre area and an outdoor museum devoted to the history of the church. The restored St. Paul A.M.E. Church serves as a community center, leasing office, fitness facility, computer lab, library and a learning and play area for children. Also, the restoration of the church serves as a monument to its role in shaping the city’s history. Its renovation serves as a tribute to the notable individuals who have addressed its congregation over the years, such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Thurgood Marshall, former President Bill Clinton, Mary McLeod Bethune and Jackie Robinson. Metro 510 preserves the past while providing for the future of the City of Tampa. ENCORE!® is a public-private partnership between Bank of America Community Development Corporation (BACDC) and the Tampa Housing Authority (THA). Together, BACDC and THA are demonstrating their overall commitment to the revitalization of distressed neighborhoods within an urban core to attract additional outside investment and create a vibrant, sustainable community at ENCORE. ENCORE is committed to LEED® certified development. The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System, provides standards for environmentally sustainable construction. By harnessing best practices in “green” construction and development to achieve this commitment, we are able to focus on increasing the efficiency of natural resource use — energy, water, and natural materials. Through green development and construction standards, the green initiative at ENCORE! efficiently uses energy, water, and other resources as well as reduces waste and environmental pollution. As an example, our development and building standards will effectively decrease storm water runoff and the heat island effect. The green initiative at ENCORE! also nurtures the health of people who live and work on-site through improved indoor air quality. |